Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Course Outline - subject to change!

2016학년도 1학기 강의 계획서 보기
1. 강좌번호 및 강좌명
(Course Code & Title)
영어작문Ⅰ [English CompositionⅠ]  | NEIS: 2973  
2. 단위(Units)2
2-1. 통합기호(Category)11B
3. 담당교사 (Instructor)Garrioch (, 010-9723-3309)
공동강의교사 (Co-Instructor)Mr. Menard
4. 대상집단 (Students eligible for this Class)
계열 (Field)전체(All)학년 (Grade)11
5. 수업 개요 (Course Outline)
This course will guide students through a series of assignments in order to prepare students for university level writing. Forms of essay will include, but are not limited to, argumentative, synthesis, comparative, and reflective. A great deal of focus will be placed on the tasks of establishing a proper tone, style, and structure, while weaving in a balanced argument, theme, or opinion. Students will learn the process of planning an essay, writing a first draft, and polishing a second or third draft. The main goals of this course will include: Planning an essay (gathering sources, evaluating them, execution etc.) Developing proper grammar (catching verb tenses, missing articles, awkward clauses etc.) Avoiding common mistakes (cliches, generalizations, absolutes etc.) Improving vocabulary (proper word choice, use of transitions and qualifiers etc.) Encouraging creative and critical thinking (descriptive writing, developing a reader`s interest, thinking outside the box) Classes will often focus on generating the ideas that form the assignments, and this will be achieved through discussions, student presentations on current events/contemporary issues, short videos, and various reading materials. Therefore, student participation is heavily weighed.
6. 평가 (Evaluation Criteria in Percentage)
중간고사 (Midterm)15
기말고사 (Final Exam)15
과제물 수행 (Assignments)60
수업중 활동 (Classroom Activities)10
독서 평가 (Book-Reading Evaluations)
0*독서평가가 100%는 IR과목입니다
기타 (Quiz, Workshops, etc)0
6-1. 성적산출방법 (Grading Policy)Grade
7. 교과서 및 교수-학습자료 (Textbook and other teaching-learning materials)
To be announced; but mainly various articles, websites, videos and selections from respected authors etc.
8. 독서평가 도서명 (Critical Reading Book)To be announced; but mainly various articles, websites, videos and selections from respected authors etc.
독서평가 방법(Evaluation Method)Assignments will include both in-class and take home essays. Essays will vary in word count from 500 to 1500 words, depending on the assignment. Students should carefully consider an individual teacher\\\'s requests regarding format (spacing/font), hard copy or electronic submission. Late submissions will be dealt with accordingly. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students should cite and reference their sources (such as MLA format, or whichever style the teacher prefers)
독서평가 시기(Evaluation Period)
예) 5월 4주째 (4th Week of May)
9. 강의 진도 계획 (Tentative Class Schedule)  *강의 주제만 모아 주세요 (Class Topics Only)
Individual teachers will determine what composes this percentage, which may include Speech, Mini-Assignments, Revised Assignments, quality of comments made in class, and general attitude (sleeping, tardiness, lack of effort to enter discussions etc. will factor heavily).

Policy Regarding Grades:

To ensure consistent effort from each student, and to uphold the true value of a letter grade designated as A (89.5 and above), a maximum of 80% of students will receive a final letter grade of A. A participation score of 20% will factor heavily in determining this.

To ensure fairness, all grading for essays, including midterm and final exam, will adhere to a 90% average.

To succeed, students should carefully plan their In-Class essays outside of class before writing them in class. This emphasizes essay organization and thinking, and ensures authenticity of work. This will improve essay planning along with test writing ability (SAT/AP exams etc.).

Essays will be graded on the following criteria
-mechanics: proper diction, grammar, internal logic, transitions
-content: balanced writing that follows instructions and maintains focus

Weekly Schedule:

Unit I – Argumentation

In this segment of the course, students will be introduced to various topics, which may include current issues (politics, current events etc.), critical readings (classic short stories, essays, editorials), and general points of contention within contemporary society (cultural values, moral dilemmas, modern trends etc.). Classes may follow a pattern of discussion followed by writing, and then further discussion and revision.

Week 1:
Class 1 content:
Ice breakers, course explanation.
Class 2 content:
-First assignment introduced through discussion. Students will be asked to identify a single “current event” or “issue” that most warrants discussion.
-Students produce various sources of information to learn more about the issue (both subjective and objective).

Week 2:
Class 3 content:
In Class Writing: Argumentative Essay (In-class Essay 1)
Class 4 content:
Claims & Reasons (argumentative structure)
How to enrich arguments. How to develop paragraphs.

Week 3:
Class 5 content:
Take Home essay assigned: SAT Prompt (Due week 5)
Class 6 content:
In Class Essay #1 returned. Review of strengths/weaknesses. Students must then revise and type an improved version.

Week 4:
Class 7 content:
Argumentative Appeals (pathos, ethos, logos)
Discussion about each. Students assigned to groups. Task for next class: present strong and weak examples for each.
Class 8 content:
Group Presentations

Week 5:
Class 9 content:
First Take Home essay due.
Discussion about Logical Fallacies
(strawman, slippery slope, ad hominem, etc)
Class 10 content:
Moral Dilemmas. Discussion and identification of.
Reading of “The Mignonette, 1884 (Queen v. Dudley)”

Week 6:
Class 11 content:
In Class Writing: Argumentative Essay (In-class Essay 2)
Moral Dilemma: Students expected to employ previously taught argumentative tactics in response to a moral dilemma.
Class 12 content:
Introduction to Synthesis Essay and MLA citation format.
Student’s choice of topic for a 1200-1500 word essay that must be completed in three stages (outline, first draft, final draft) and submitted two weeks before end of semester.
Must synthesize various sources to form one argument, and must adhere to strict MLA format.

Week 7:
Midterm exams

UNIT 2 – Developing Narrative

In this segment of the course, students will be introduced to various narrative structures, and various elements of “story telling.” Assignments may include anecdotal essays, college essays, letter writing, interpretive writing, descriptive writing etc. Various readings of famous essays/short stories. Classes may follow a pattern of discussion followed by writing, and then further discussion and revision.

Week 8:
Class 14 content:
Students read “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan and a portion of Maya Angelous’ “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.\\\" Discussion about subtext, compare voice, anecdote. Students asked to come to next class ready to write similar narrative.
Class 14 content:
In Class Writing: Personal Narrative (In-class Essay 3)

Week 9:
Class 15 content:
Writing Workshop: Students put into groups for peer editing and feedback on personal narratives. Asked to present an improved version of one essay from each group next class.
Class 16 content:
Group Presentations: Before and After Essay Improvements
Teacher may require second drafts typed from all students.

Week 10:
Class 17 content:
Voice: Introduction to 1st, 2nd 3rd person narratives. For next class, students must prepare a short sample for each.
Class 18 content:
Take Home Essay #3 Assigned: Write about a childhood experience in any voice other than 1st person. Group discussion about each student’s examples.

Week 11:
Class 19 content: The College Essay
In-class readings of select essays (either from alumni or published books).
Introduction to various structures, clichés to avoid, and use of narrative.
Mini Assignment: Students write list: 30 Things About Me
Class 20 content: Discussion about 30 Things List, and potential essays students may write as seniors.

Week 12:
Class 21 content: Introduction to Public Speaking. Review of famous speeches.
Speech assigned for following week: My Most Embarrassing Moment – 5 minutes.
Class 22 content:
Take Home Essay #3 returned, discussion of strengths and weakness.

Week 13:
Class 23 content: Speeches
Class 24 content: Speeches

Unit 3 – Academic Writing

In this segment of the course, we review some elements of argumentative writing learned in unit one, and apply them to one large formal assignment that must be held accountable for all information within. Since week 6, students have had time to develop ideas for their synthesis essay, and should have submitted an outline to their teacher. Final three weeks of class spent writing, revising, and getting one-on-one feedback from teacher and group peer-editing. The goal is to produce a polished academic paper that a student would be expected to complete in a university course.

Week 14:
Class 25 content: MLA citation review. Students submit Essay Outline, and list of sources they will synthesize. One on one discussions with students. In- class writing.
Class 26 content:
One on one discussion with students. In-class writing.

Week 15:
Class 27 content: Students submit first draft. Peer editing.
Class 28 content: Peer editing continued.

Week 16:
Class 29 content: Final Draft of Synthesis essay due.
Class 30 content: Review – “What I Learned” discussion. Students write mini-assignment about their experience and self-evaluate how they improved and will continue to improve.

Week 17: Final Examination
10. 영어로 진행하는 수업 계획 (Plan for Teaching in English)
 * teach in English for more than 10 minutes per class, with the exception of Korean Language Arts, Korean history, and some subjects of minjok course.
All English. All the time.