Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Fourth Wall

I've given you some extra time to do your "story within a story," so have a look at Lee Bori's "story within a story."

After a bit of discussion with Mr. Tweedie, he suggested that this writing exercise was not, actually, "found object" treated "found poetry," treated "found fiction" -  but actually "metaficiton."

Reading that Wiki page, I came across "story within a story."   It actually does exist as a literary device.

Furthermore, there is the "frame story," which is related, interesting, and potentially helpful.

Also consider "the fourth wall,"  which is basically described as "the imaginary boundary between any fictional work and its audience."

Ever watch a TV show that suddenly shows you that there's a camera man and a sound crew and a director, where they turn and start talking to you - through the television?  That's described as "breaking the fourth wall."

Interesting stuff that will come in handy someday in an AP Lit class or an SAT.

Here's an example of the "fourth wall."

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